Aaron Peters, RP (Qualifying)

Hi! I am Aaron Peters, a Registered Psychotherapist (Q), I am here to support you on your healing journey. With a strong passion for listening, empathizing, and guiding individuals, I find immense joy in partnering with people to help them discover their true selves.

In the journey of life, we often face challenges when we feel disconnected from our authentic selves and the world around us. This disconnection can lead to feelings of emptiness, anxiety, or dissatisfaction. My goal is to help you rediscover a sense of connection through self-reflection and self-discovery. 

Specializing in working with teens and young adults, I assist those struggling to find meaning in their lives and live confidently. While I particularly enjoy working with youth at a pivotal stage of self-discovery, I am eager to assist anyone committed to exploring their authentic selves. Together, we can work through overwhelming emotions and break free from the cycle of distress and fear. I strive to create a safe and understanding space where you can freely express yourself and explore your path to recovery. I am dedicated to helping you find answers to the questions weighing you down and empowering you to take control of your feelings and life. 

With a professional background working with diverse client populations, I bring an integrative approach to my practice. Drawing from Cognitive Behavioral, Family Systems, and Existential theories, I tailor my therapeutic techniques to address your specific needs, ensuring a personalized and effective experience.

When I'm not assisting clients on their journey to healing, I enjoy indulging in personal hobbies. You can often find me immersed in a good book, engaging in sports activities, or reconnecting with nature through camping and fishing. Taking occasional restful days is also an essential part of maintaining a healthy balance in life.