When is it Beneficial to Consider Medication

In the realm of mental health treatment, psychotherapy plays a crucial role in helping individuals navigate their emotional well-being. Psychotherapy allows individuals to freely converse with a professional about their thoughts, emotions, and experiences, and equips them with effective coping skills and strategies to make positive changes in their life. 

While psychotherapy can often be effective on its own, in certain cases, medication can also be a valuable addition to therapy. Medication can provide additional support and relief for individuals who are facing various mental health conditions. 

The purpose of medication

Medication is prescribed to address imbalances or irregularities in brain chemistry. These imbalances can contribute to mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and more. Prescribing medication can help manage symptoms by reducing their intensity or frequency, alleviate distress, and restore mental well-being. 

In many cases, medication helps reduce the symptoms experienced by the individual to allow for other treatment plans to be more effective. For example, by reducing the symptoms of depression, individuals will be better able to engage and participate during therapy sessions. 

Certain medications may require several weeks or months until improvements are seen. Therefore, you should not stop taking your medication because you believe it's not working unless you consult with a healthcare professional. If you're experiencing side effects or think that your medication isn't working, you should consult with your healthcare provider. 

When is medication necessary?

The decision to incorporate medication is made on a case-by-case basis by carefully considering the individual’s unique needs and circumstances. Medication may be considered when an individual’s symptoms are severe, persistent, or significantly impair daily functioning. Additionally, medication can be beneficial for individuals who have not experienced sufficient relief from psychotherapy alone or those who require immediate stabilization during a crisis. 

Benefits of combining medication with therapy:

Medication and therapy can complement each other, forming a synergic approach to treatment. Medication can help manage symptoms, making it easier for individuals to cope with mental health concerns and gain maximum benefit from the therapeutic approach 

Studies have shown that certain mental health conditions, such as major depressive disorder and severe anxiety disorders, often respond positively to a combination of medication and therapy, leading to more significant symptom reduction and improved overall well-being.

Medication may target specific biological factors that contribute to mental health conditions. By addressing these underlying imbalances, it can alleviate symptoms and create a foundation for therapeutic progress.

Some mental health medications:

  • Antidepressants: Used to treat depression, and in some cases, other health conditions such as anxiety, pain, and insomnia.
  • Anti-Anxiety Medications: Used to help with anxiety symptoms such as panic attacks and extreme worry or fear. 
  • Stimulants: Often prescribed to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. They are used to improve alertness, attention, and energy. 
  • Mood stabilizers: Commonly used to treat bipolar disorder and other mood-related conditions. In some cases, they are also used to stabilize the effects of other medications used to treat depression. 
  • Antipsychotics: Typically used to treat psychosis which  involves some loss of contact with reality. 

Important considerations

Medication selection and dosage are highly individualized. What works for one person may not be effective for another. Therefore, it’s important to work closely with healthcare professionals to find the most suitable medication and dosage for your specific needs. The prescribing physicians and your therapist will maintain effective and regular communication. This ensures comprehensive care, allows for adjustments in medication when needed, and provides an opportunity to monitor progress and potential side effects.

Medication should be seen as a part of a holistic treatment plan that also includes therapy, lifestyle modifications, and self-care practices. Addressing all aspects of well-being promotes optimal and long-term mental health maintenance. 



